This tasbih has been acquired from unofficial sources. It has been translated and transliterated here by myself.
Mawlana Shah Karim al-Ħusayni alImam alĦazril alMaujood.
Ya ‘Aly, Ya ‘Aly
Du’a niyat khair
Ilahi khair
‘Aqibat khair
Ya ‘Aly awwal khair
Akhir khair
Zahir khair
Batin khair
Haqiqat khair
Mawlana Shah Karim, anta alKhairwa niyyati khair
Ash-hadu an la ilaha ill Allah
Ash-hadu an Muhammad urRasool Allah
Ash-hadu an Aliyyun Amir ulMomineen Aliyullah
Ya ‘Aly Madad
Our Lord Shah Karim alHusayni the Manifest Imam
O Aly, O Aly (11 times)
God be with you.
Let your prayer be good
Let your faith be good
Let your afterlife be good
O Aly, let the beginning (lit. first) be good
Let the end (lit. last) be good
Let the physical (lit. manifest) be good
Let the spiritual (lit. hidden) be good
Let the truth be good
Our Lord Shah Karim, you are the goodand let our intentions be good.
God be with you.
I declare: there is no god but God
I declare: Muhammad is the messenger of God
I declare Aly, the master of believers, is from God
May Aly help you