Mushkil Asaan Tasbih
The transliteration of this tasbih is copied from materials provided by ITREB USA. They have been translated by myself with the assistance of a certified Waez from UK.
Tasbih Kadho Mushkil-Asaanji
Ya Ali, Ya Noor Mawlana Shah Karim al-Husayni Hazar Imam,
tu gat Jamat-ji kul mushkiliya asaan kar
Ya Ali, tu gat Jamat-jo iman salamat rakh
Ya Ali, tu gat Jamat-ke dasond, sukhrit, ibadat pura rakh
Ya Ali, to gat Jamat-ji kul afatu balau bimariyu dafe kare,
nek umedu puri kar
Ya Ali, tu gat Jamat-ke toja zaheri wa batini noorani didar naseeb kar
Ya Ali, Ya Muhammad, Ya Muhammad, Ya Ali
Aliyullah, mushkil asaan-ji tasbih-ji vinanti toje huzurme kabul kar
Noor Mawlana Shah Karim al-Husayni Hazar Imam
Du’a niyat kher kar
Ilayhi tu kher kar
Akbat-jo kher kar
Ya Aly tu kher kar
Kher-ji vinanti toje huzur me qabul karNoor Mawlana Shah Karim al-Husayni Hazar Imam
Ash-hadu an la ilaha ill Allah
Ash-hadu an Muhammad urRasool Allah
Ash-hadu an Aliyyun Amir ulMomineen Aliyullah
Jamat-ke Hai Zina
Qayam Paya
Let us recite the prayer to alleviate troubles
O Aly, O light of our lord: Shah Karim al-Husayni Hazar Imam, alleviate all the troubles in the Jamat
O Aly, keep the Jamat’s faith strong
O Aly, help the Jamat practice tithing, good deeds, and prayer
O Aly, keep the Jamat’s troubles, tribulations, and illnesses away, and accept our offerings
O Aly, bless the Jamat with a physical and spiritual meeting in the future
O Aly, O Muhammad, O Muhammad, O Aly
To God, we ask to alleviate hardship in the presence of the light of Our Lord: Shah Karim al-Husayni Hazat Imam
Let our intent be good.
Bless us with good.
Let us be judged with goodness.
O Aly, be good to us.
We ask for goodness in the presence of the light of Our Lord: Shah Karim al-Husayni Hazar Imam
I declare: there is no god but God
I declare: Muhammad is the messenger of God
I declare Aly, the master of believers, is from God
The Jamat lives.
Forever present.