Du'a Haal Mushkilat
This tasbih has been acquired from unofficial sources. It has been translated and transliterated here by myself.
Qayam du’a hall alMushkilat,
bifadhlikum wa karamikum
Mawlana Shah Karim al-Ħusayni
Ya ‘Aly, Ya Muħammad,Ya Muħammad, Ya ‘Aly
Ya mustajib adDu’a,
Ya saamia’ alNada,
Astajeeb du’a-na,
wa ballaghna munana
wa hudh ‘ana auzaarana,
wa asrif ‘anna ashSharra
wa asSoo wa alBala
Ya Mawlana Shah Karim al-Ħusayni
Kullu hami wa ghami sayanjali ‘anna
bi-walaytika Ya ‘Aly,
Ya ‘Aly, Ya ‘Aly, Aliyullah
alĦamdu li-Llah alði hadana li-haða,
wa maakunna linahtadi lawla
an hadana Allah.
alĦamdu li-Llah alði qadha ‘anna
salaatu kaanat ‘ala alMumineena
kitaba mawquta.
Allahumma aghfir lana
wa li-walidaina
wa li-ikhwanina alMumineen.
wa alMuminat
biraħmatika Ya Arħama alRaħmeen.
Allahumma Ya munawara qulub al’Arifeen
asaluka Muħammad wa aal Muħammad
an tunaurana wa tunawar qulubna
bi-noor ma’rifatika,
wa tushabitana ‘ala maħabatika
wa idha’tika
Ya Arħama alRaħmeen.
Allahuma taqabal minna salaatna
wa astajib du’a-na
innaka anta asSamia’ al’Alim.
Mawlai nufoosuna bain yadika
wa alAmr ilaika in shiat tuna’m
wa in shiat tu’ðab
Ya mustajeeb alDu’a
wa ya ‘alma balsarwa alNajwa
Ya Arħama alRaħmeen. Aliyullah
Ya Mawlana Shah Karim al-Ħusayni anta alImam alHaq alMubeen.
Ya ‘Aly madad / ‘Ala alAmeen
O Lord, a prayer of problem-solving,
thanks to you and your generosity,
Our Lord Shah Karim alHusayni
O Aly, O Muhammad,
O Muhammad, O Aly
O Responder to prayers,
O hear this call,
respond to our prayer
and we call to You
to lift this weight from us
and distract us from evil
and worse and worse
O Our Lord Shah Karim alHusayni
All clouds will be removed from us
by your power, O Aly,
O Aly, O Aly, God be with you
Praise God, who guided us here,
and we would not be guided
if God had not guided us.
Praise God, who offered
prayer to the Believers in
the Book of Time.
O God, forgive us
and our parents
and our faithful brothers
and our faithful sisters
in your mercy, O Most Merciful
O God, enlighten the hearts
of those who know I ask from Muhammad and his family
enlighten us and enlighted our hearts with the light of your knowledge
and catch us with your love
and in obedience (to you)O Most Merciful
O God, accept our prayers
and respond to our supplication
You are the hearer of knowledge
My Lord, my soul is in your hands
to enjoy, if you want,
and to destroy, if you want,
O hearer of Prayers
And You are the Knower of Secrets
and Survival
O Most Merciful. God be with you.
O Our Lord Shah Karim alHusayni
you are the true manifest Imam
Aly help you / So be it