Marriage Ceremony

This is translated and transliterated from resources from ITREB Canada by myself.

ꝁuṭbat annikāħ

‘Āɛuðu biłŁahi min aşŞayṭān irRajīm

bIsm iłŁah irRaħman irRaħīm
alĦamdu liŁahi rabb ilƐālamīn.
arRaħman irRaħīm.
maliki yūm adDīn.
Īyāka naɛbudu wa yāka nastaɛīn.
Īhidinā aṣṢirāṭ alMustaqīm.
Ṣirāṭ alLaðīna anƐamta ɛlyhim
ȝayr ilMaȝḍwbi ɛalayhim wa lā aḍḌālīn.

ałŁahuma ṣali ɛalā Muħammadin alMuṣṭafā wa ɛalā Ɛalyin alMurtaẓā wa ɛalā al’Āymat il’Āṭhar wa ɛalā ħujat il’Āmri ṣāħib izZamāni wa alƐṣr Īmāminā alĦāḍir ilMawjūd Mawlānā Şāh Karīm alĦusaynī

āmā baɛd
faqad qāl ałŁahu subħānahu wa taɛālā:
wa min āyātih īn ꝁalaqa lakam mmin ānfuskum āzwan liTaskunu īlayha wa jaɛla baynakum mawaddatin wa raħmatin īnna fī ðalika lāyātihi liQawmin yatafakkarūn.

wa qāla:
hū ulLadī ꝁalaqakum min nafsi wāħidati wa jaɛla minhā zawjihā liYaskuna īlayha.

wa qāla:
wałŁahu jaɛla liKum min ānfusikum āzwājan liKum min āzwajikum banīna wa ħafdatin warazaqakum minn aṭṬayibāt.

ṣadaq ułŁah ulƐalī ulƐaẓīm.

I seek refuge in God from the outcast Satan

In the name of God, the Kind, the Merciful. All praise is due to Allah, lord of the worlds, the Kind, the Merciful, the Lord of the Day of Judgement. You alone we worship and You alone we seek for help. Guide us to the Straight Path: the path of those blessed ones, not of those cursed and nor of those who have gone astray. (1:1)

O God, send your mercy to Muhammad, the Chosen, and to Aly, the Favourite, and to the evidence of Your authority, the lord of the age and time, the present imam our lord Shah Karim alHussaini

For now:
The Almighty said: And among His signs is that He created for you, of yourselves, spouses so that you may live in peace and tranquility with them, and ordained love and compassion between you. Verily, there are signs in this for those who reflect (30:21)

And He said:
It is He who created you from a single soul and therefrom created his mate, so that he may live in peace with her. (7:189)

And He said:
It is God who appointed for you from amongst yourselves, your wives, and from your wives He has appointed for you children and grandchildren and provided good things for your sustenance. (16:72)

God Almighty speaks the truth.

ɛaqd uzZawāj

alYūm, [GROOM],
alMuslim ilĪsmāɛīlī işŞīɛī ilĪmāmī,
wa [BRIDE],
alMuslimat ilĪsmāɛīlīyat işŞīɛīyat ilĪmāmīyat,
yurīdān ilTazawwaj biMūjibi qawānīn
alĪslām wa dustūr ilṬarīqat işŞīɛīyat ilĪmāmīyat ilĪsmāɛīlīyat.

wa qad nāb ɛan alzawj: [GROOM’S WITNESS]
wa ɛn ilnawjat: [BRIDE’S WITNESS]

wa qad ṣarraħan azZawj wazZawjat:

naħnu, mukhī wa kāmāriyā jamāɛtꝁānah [JK] nuṣaddiqu ɛaqdu uzZawāj

Today, [GROOM],
a Shi’a Imami Isma’ili Muslim,
and [BRIDE],
a Shi’a Imami Isma’ili Muslim,
want to marry under Islamic law and the Shi’a Imami Isma’ili Tariqa and Constitution.

And with the witness: [GROOM’S WITNESS]
And with the witness: [BRIDE’S WITNESS]

The bride and groom have stated:

We, Mukhi and Kamedia of [JK] bear witness to this marriage contract


ałŁahuma alLaf baynahumā kamā alLafat bayna Nabiyyā Ādam wa Ħawā ɛalayhim asSalām.

ałŁahuma alLaf baynahumā kamā alLafat bayna Nabiyyā Ībrahīm wa Hajarih ɛalayhim asSalām.

ałŁahuma alLaf baynahumā kamā alLafat bayna Nabiyyā Yūsuf wa Zulayꝁah ɛalayhim asSalām.

ałŁahuma alLaf baynahumā kamā alLafat bayna Nabiyyā Mūsā wa Ṣafūrah ɛalayhim asSalām.

ałŁahuma alLaf baynahumā kamā alLafat bayna Nabiyyā  Muħammadin alMuṣṭafā wa Ꝁadījat alKubrā ɛalayhim asSalām.

ałŁahuma alLaf baynahumā kamā alLafat bayna Mawlānā Ɛaliyin alMurtaḍā wa Fāṭimat azZahrā ɛalayhim asSalām.

ałŁahuma Ījɛala zawajan mubārakan biBarakāt Īmām izZamān Mawlānā Şāh Karīm alĦusaynī wārzuqhumā ðuriyyatan ṭayyibah.

āşhaddu ān lā īllaha īlā ałŁah
āşhaddu ān Muħammadan rasūl ałŁah
āşhaddu ān Ɛaliyan āmīr alMuminīn Ɛaliyun ałŁah
ałŁahuma ṣali ɛalā Muħammadin alMuṣṭafā wa ɛalā Ɛalyin alMurtaẓā wa ɛalā al’Āymat il’Āṭhar wa ɛalā ħujat il’Āmri ṣāħib izZamāni wa alƐṣr Īmāminā alĦāḍir ilMawjūd Mawlānā Şāh Karīm alĦusaynī

walĦamdu liłŁahi rabb ilƐalāmīn.

O God, bless them as you’ve blessed Prophet Adam and Eve, peace be upon them.

O God, bless them as you’ve blessed Prophet Abraham and Hagar, peace be upon them.

O God, bless them as you’ve blessed Prophet Joseph and Zuleikha, peace be upon them.

O God, bless them as you’ve blessed Prophet Moses and Zipporah, peace be upon them.

O God, bless them as you’ve blessed Prophet Muhammad, the Chosen, and Khadijah, the Great, peace be upon them.

O God, bless them as you’ve blessed our lord Aly, the Favorite, and Fatimah, the Radiant, peace be upon them.

O God, grant this couple blessing, and the blessing of the present Imam, our lord Shah Karim alHussaini, and give them good offspring.

I declare there is no deity but GodI declare Muhammad is God’s messenger
I declare Aly, the master of believers, is from God
O God, send your mercy to Muhammad, the Chosen, and to Aly, the Favourite, and to the evidence of Your authority, the lord of the age and time, the present imam our lord Shah Karim alHussaini

And all praise is due to God, the Lord of the Worlds