Eid Namaz
This transliteration is copied from resources provided from ITREB ANZ and has been translated by myself.
Takbir - 3 marrat
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.
La ilaha ill Allah, w-Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar.
Wa li-Llah ilHamd ‘ala ma hadana
(do) rakat namaz-eEid ulFitr/ulAdha
mi guzaram kurbatan il Allah
Allahu Akbar
Rakat alAwal
Surah alFatihah
b-Ism Allah irRahman irRaheem.
alHamdu li-Llah irRabbil ‘al Ameen.
arRahman irRaheem, Malik iyYawm adDin.
Iyaaka na’budu wa iyaaka nasta’in.
Ihdin asSirat alMustaqeem:
Sirat alLazeena anamta’ alayhim.
Ghair ilMaghzoobi alayhim wa alAzaalin.
Surah Ikhlas
Qul hu Allahu Ahad, Allah usSamad,
lam yalid, wa lam yulad,
wa lam yakullahu kufuwan ahad.
Allahu Akbar
Du’a e Qunoot - 5 marrat
Rabbana atina fi dunia hasana-toun
wa fil akhirati hasana-toun.
Wa qina azaban nar bi rahmatika
ya ar-hamr-rahimeen
Ya rabbi inni maghlubun fantasir
as'aluka khaira bi haqqi hazal yawm ilLazi
ja’laltahu lil muslimina eida
La ilaha ill Allah ul Halim ulKarim
La ilaha ill Allah ulAliy ulAzeem
Subhan Allahi Rabbi Samawatis sab’i,
wa rabbil arzin sab’i.
Wa ma fin hinna, wa ma baynahunna,
wa rabbil arshil azim
w-alHamdu li-Llah irRabbil ‘alamin
Allahu Akbar
Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah
Subhana rabbiyal azim wa bi-Hamdihi.
Rabbi salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ale Muhammad
Sami Allahu liman hamidah
Allahu Akbar
Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah.
Subhana rabbiyal ‘ala wa bi-hamdihi.
Rabbi salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ale Muhammad.
Allahu Akbar
Astaghfir Ullahi Rabbi wa atubu ilayhi
Allahu Akbar
Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah.Subhana rabbiyal ‘ala wa bi-hamdihi.Rabbi salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ale Muhammad.
Allahu Akbar
bi-Hauli Llahi wa quwatehi wa akumu wa akudu
Rakat athThani
Surah alFatihah
b-Ism Allah irRahman irRaheem.
alHamdu li-Llah irRabbil ‘al Ammen.
arRahman irRaheem, Malik iyYawm adDin.
Iyaaka na’budu wa iyaaka nasta’in.
Ihdin asSirat alMustaqeem:
Sirat alLazeena anamta’ alayhim.
Ghair ilMaghzoobi alayhim wa alAzaalin.
Surah Ikhlas
Qul hu Allahu Ahad, Allah usSamad,
lam yalid, wa lam yulad,
wa lam yakullahu kufuwan ahad.
Allahu Akbar
Du’a e Qunoot - 4 marrat
Rabbana atina fi dunia hasana-toun
wa fil akhirati hasana-toun.
Wa qina azaban nar bi rahmatika
ya ar-hamr-rahimeen
Ya rabbi inni maghlubun fantasir
as'aluka khaira bi haqqi hazal yawm ilLazi
ja’laltahu lil muslimina eida
La ilaha ill Allah ul Halim ulKarim
La ilaha ill Allah ulAliy ulAzeem
Subhan Allahi Rabbi Samawatis sab’i,
wa rabbil arzin sab’i.
Wa ma fin hinna, wa ma baynahunna,
wa rabbil arshil azim
w-alHamdu li-Llah irRabbil ‘alamin
Allahu Akbar
Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah
Subhana rabbiyal azim wa bi-Hamdihi.
Rabbi salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ale Muhammad
Sami Allahu liman hamidah
Allahu Akbar
Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah.
Subhana rabbiyal ‘ala wa bi-hamdihi.
Rabbi salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ale Muhammad.
Allahu Akbar
Astaghfir Ullahi Rabbi wa atubu ilayhi
Allahu Akbar
Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah.
Subhana rabbiyal ‘ala wa bi-hamdihi.
Rabbi salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ale Muhammad.
Allahu Akbar
Ash-hadu ann la ilaha ill Allahu
Wahdahu la Sharikalahu
wa ash-hadu anna Muhammad urRasool li-Llah.
Allahuma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ale Muhammad
Imam izZaman ilHazir w-alMaujood
asSalamu alayka ayyuhan-nabiyuwa rahmatullahi wa barakatu
asSalamu alayna wa ‘ala ibadillah isSaliheen
asSalamu alaykumwa rahmatullahi wa barakatu
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
Shukran-jo sijdo diyo Allah Maheriya
Shukran, shukran, shukran
Ash-hadu ann la ilaha ill Allah
Wa ash-hadu ann Muhammad urRasool li-Llah
Wa ash-hadu ann Aliyun Amir ulMomineen ali Ullah
Hayy Zinda, Qayam Paya
Declaration of Greatness - Recited 3 times
God is Great, God is Great, God is Great,
[there is] no god but God and God is GreatGod is Great.
And [for] God is all praise, who guided us to the right path
I declare my intention to offer two movements of the Breaking/Sacrifice festival prayers in the presence of God
God is Great
First Movement
The Opening Chapter
In the name of God, the kind, the merciful.
All praise is due to God, the Lord of the World,
the Kind, the Merciful, the Lord of the Day of Judgement.
You alone we worship and You alone we seek for help.
Guide us on the right path.
The path of those upon whom you have bestowed favors.
Not of those cursed ones and nor of those who have gone astray.
The Chapter of Sincerity
Tell [them] God is One, God is self-sufficient,
They did not beget, nor were They begotten,
and there is none like unto Them.
God is Great
Supplication - Recited 5 times
Our Lord, grant us good in this world,
as well as in the hereafter.
And protect us from the torment of the Fire with Your kindness,
O Most Merciful
O my Lord, I’m defeated so give help,
on this auspicious day which You have granted
as a festival to the followers of Islam.
There is no god but God, the Noble, the Wise.
There is no god but God, the Great, the Most High
Praise be to God, the Lord of the Seven Heavens
and the Lord of The Seven Earths
and whatever is in them and between them,
and the Lord of the Glorious Throne.
And praise be to God, the Lord of the Universe.
God is Great
Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God.
Glory to the Greatest Lord and worthy of all praise.
My Lord, give your mercy to Muhammad and his family.
God listens to those who declare Their glory.
God is Great
Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God.
Glory to the Worthy of all praise.
My Lord, give your mercy to Muhammad and his family.
God is Great
I seek forgiveness from God and turn to Them in repentance
God is Great
Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God.
Glory to the Worthy of all Praise.
My Lord, give your mercy to Muhammad and his family.
God is Great
With the strength of God, I stand and sit.
Second Movement
The Opening Chapter
In the name of God, the kind, the merciful.
All praise is due to God, the Lord of the World,
the Kind, the Merciful, the Lord of the Day of Judgement.
You alone we worship and You alone we seek for help.
Guide us on the right path.
The path of those upon whom you have bestowed favors.
Not of those cursed ones and nor of those who have gone astray.
The Chapter of Sincerity
Tell [them] God is One, God is self-sufficient,
They did not beget, nor were They begotten,
and there is none like unto Them.
God is Great
Supplication - Recited 5 times
Our Lord, grant us good in this world, as well as in the hereafter.
And protect us from the torment of the Fire with Your kindness,
O Most Merciful
O my Lord, I’m defeated so give help,
on this auspicious day which You have granted
as a festival to the followers of Islam.
There is no god but God, the Noble, the Wise.
There is no god but God, the Great, the Most High.
Praise be to God, the Lord of the Seven Heavens
and the Lord of The Seven Earths
and whatever is in them and between them,
and the Lord of the Glorious Throne.
And praise be to God, the Lord of the Universe.
God is Great
Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God.
Glory to the Greatest Lord and the worthy of all praise.
My Lord, give your mercy to Muhammad and his family.
God listens to those who declare Their glory.
God is Great
Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God.
Glory to the Worthy of all praise.
My Lord, give your mercy to Muhammad and his family.
God is Great
I seek forgiveness from God and turn to Them in repentance
God is Great
Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God.
Glory to the Worthy of all Praise.
My Lord, give your mercy to Muhammad and his family.
God is Great
I declare: there is no god but God,
Unique, without partners,
and I declare: Muhammad is the messenger of God.
O lord, give your mercy to Muhammad and his family.
The Imam of the Time is present and manifest.
Facing Right
May peace be upon the Prophet,and the mercy and blessings of God
Facing Left
May peace be upon all the servants of God
Facing Forward
May peace be upon all of you,and the mercy and blessings of God.
God is Great, God is Great, God is Great.
I offer thanks and prostrate, may God be pleased
Thanks, thanks, thanks
I declare: [there is] no god but God
I declare: Muhammad is God’s messenger
I declare: Aly, the master of believers, is from Allah.
Ever-living, Eternal
Video: Eid alAdha
Video: Eid alFitr
Understanding the Namaz
As different Isma’ilism is from more traditional Muslim practices, there’s still a healthy amount of overlap between the two. There’s the overlap (obviously) in the underlying beliefs: the shahada, but there’s also an overlap with some of the celebrations; two of which are known as Breaking Festival and Sacrifice Festival. These celebrations also share in their practices between Ismaili and other Muslim communities.
In 2017, I was fortunate enough to attend the Gallipoli Mosque in Auburn for Breaking Festival, along with my friend. Although I didn’t understand the Turkish sermons before and after the prayers, the Arabic prayers were almost exactly the same as they were the same day in the Isma’ili Jamatkhana. And I’ll outline that prayer below.
Festival Prayers
Normally, Isma’ilis recite the Du’a on a daily basis. However, during these two festivals, Isma’ilis join the greater Muslim community to recite a different prayer known as salah (صلاة in Arabic), or namaz (نَماز in Persian). Like the Du’a, namaz consists of multiple different types of prayer such as praise and supplication.
The prayer starts with takbir (from the Arabic root k-b-r, meaning great, big, important, etc) which consists of the repeated phrase “God is Great” (Allahu Akbar الله أكبر in Arabic). Then, faith in God is declared with the first part of the Declaration: there is no god, but God (la ilaha ill Allah لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا ٱلله in Arabic). Finally, God is praised for guidance bestowed. This whole stanza is recited three times at the beginning of the prayer.
After opening the prayer, the recitor announces their intention (niyat نیّت in Arabic) for the prayer. The rest of the prayer involves prescribed recitations and movements, the collection of which is known as a rak’ah (ركعة in Arabic). The Isma’ili Namaz consists of two raka’at, while other Muslim prayers consist of between two and four raka’at. The reciter announces their intention of offering two raka’at for either the Breaking Festival or the Sacrifice Festival.
Breaking Festival
The Breaking Festival (Eid alFitr عيد الفطر in Arabic) marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan. Muslims spend Ramadan in spiritual reflection and fasting. Just as each daily fast is broken (iftar in Arabic, from the same root as alFitr), the month’s fast is also broken with this celebration.
Sacrifice Festival
The Sacrifice Festival (Eid alAdha عيد الأضحى in Arabic) takes place on the 10th of Pilgrimage Month and commemorates the story of Abraham who, when asked to sacrifice what was most important to him, attempted to sacrifice his own son.
The Opening Chapter
The prayer itself begins with the first chapter of the Qur’an. As discussed earlier, not only is this a requirement of Muslim prayers, but symbolically represents the entirety of the the Qur’an. This passage also reiterates a sentiment from the introduction of the Namaz: the importance of Divine guidance.
The Sincerity Chapter
This chapter is also recited in the Isma’ili Du’a. This is one of the defining chapters of the Qur’an, explaining the oneness of God. This is also an expansion of the Declaration, as recited in the introduction to the Isma’ili Namaz.
Standing Supplication
While standing, the congregation raises their arms and asks for Divine mercy during life, as well as protection from Hell. This is one of the only times in Isma’ili prayers that Hell is actually mentioned, using the words “torment of Fire” (adhaab anNar عَذَابَ النَّارِ in Arabic). The reciter further expresses their humility, and continues to ask for Mercy on this festival. Then there’s praises of the Divine’s bounty and magnificence, and God is glorified as the lord of the seven heavens and seven earths (and everything in between).
In the first rakah, this prayer is recited five times, in the second it is recited four times.
An action not found in other Isma’ili prayers is bowing (ruku رُكوع in Arabic). Not to be confused with prostration, this is where the body is bent in half and the hands are placed on the knees. Like prostration however, this posture is meant to emphasise humility. While bowed, the reciter glorifies God, and asks for Divine mercy for the Prophet Muhammad. Then the reciter stands upright, asserting that God hears prayers.
While placing their face on the ground, the reciter calls out the same glorification as when bowing. But when they sit up, they ask for forgiveness using a tasbih we discussed earlier. Then, the congregation returns to prostration and glorifies God for a third time.
In the first rakah, the congregation then stands up and starts the second rakah: a repetition of the first one, starting at the Opening Chapter. In the second rakah, the congregation remains seated and proceeds to
Then the congregation reaffirms their faith, declaring that there is no diety, except God, and that the Prophet Muhammad is God’s messenger. Then, they ask for Divine mercy on both the Prophet and the Imams.
Afterwards, the congregation turns to their right and then left, praying for the peace of the people sitting next to them, and by extension the whole congregation.
Declaration Again
The prayer concludes, as does Isma’ilis’ secondary prayers, with a final declaration of faith, including affirmation of monotheism, as well as the position of prophethood and Imamat.